ZIMjs - JavaScript Interactive Media Modules - ZIM

ZIM js - free JavaScript library of interactive media modules

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Use the easy ZIM TEMPLATES with Frame!  

SCROLLBAR WITH SLIDER Here is a ZIM Bit showing scrollbars made with the ZIM Slider component. New in ZIM 2.6.1 you can set the inside parameter to true.  
  ZIM BITS now has 26 examples and tutorials of basic building blocks for interactive media on the HTML 5 Canvas with JavaScript, CreateJS and ZIMjs. We launched with 8 Bits and aim for 64 Bits by the end of 2016!
ZIM 2.6.1 DUO has launched to help you code interactive media faster with JavaScript and CreateJS. With DUO you can pass parameters traditionally or with a single object. ZIM provides 90 functions and classes for 90K. See the tabs for info on the modules and scroll down the page for the latest news, tutorials and examples. Coding the HTML 5 Canvas has never been easier!
    Interactive Media Features:
  • One-line drag and drop
  • Multiple types of hit tests
  • Buttons, Panes and Tabs
  • Shapes, Sliders and Steppers
  • Waiters and ColorPickers
  • Indicators, Dials and Pads
  • Scalable Template Framework
  • Easy asset loading
  • Page and Layout Control
  • Mobile Optimization
  • Swipes and HotSpots
  • Guides, Grids and Outlines
  • Parallax, Scroll and Tiling
  • Proportional Damping
  • And more! See the tabs
Create example    Build example    Pages example

Visit the ZIM js Blog for concise articles to share and help people find ZIM.   

DIALS AND INDICATORS! ZIM 2.6 has launched with new Dial, Indicator and Pad components plus updates to sliders and tabs. ZIM Frame 2.6 wraps PreloadJS for easy access to image and sound assets.  
TICKING, SEQUENCING & SLIDING! ZIM 2.5 has launched with sequenced animations, new drag functionality, new zim.Ticker architecture and more! Check out the two new ZIM Bits.  
ZIM ColorPicker is here with full Web 256 colors or custom settings. Optionally add greys and an alpha picker. The ColorPicker has been added to ZIM 2.4 and the Zim Build module. Try it out!
The ZIM Pixels example demonstrates improved mobile performance with the new zim.hitTestGrid() as we can create grid like interactivity with one Shape. 
  ZIM Tabs have arrived to start the new year! We are kind of feeling like the IKEA of code ;-) Tabs are part of ZIM 2.3 which also features mobile optimization!
ZIM PARALLAX now animates to the window scroll as well as mouse movements. So cool it gets its own sub-module but of course remains part of ZIM Build. See the CDN and here is a Holiday Example.   
  ZIM REMOTE uses ZIM Socket to remotely control an application. Introduces the new Slider component in ZIM Build. Open the remote and enter a code. Open TERMINAL and enter the same code. Control the circle from the remote.
Mobile demo of PIECES was created in one hour using ZIM. App was uploaded with GitHub and PhoneGap Build in one minute to iOS, Android and Windows devices. Full app is coded and awaiting approval.   
Learn how to code with the ZIM Learn tutorial workshop to program games and apps with ZIM, CreateJS and JavaScript!   
Dan Zen gives TALK at CreateInTO User Group. The talk provides a fifteen minute overview of ZIM features - well worth the watch!   
ZIM saves over 100 lines of code on Nanora the motion puzzle game built with CreateJS demonstrating preloading.   
The Swipe Test page lets you test and tweak swipe speeds on mobile. The ZIM default is 30px in 80ms. Tell us your best settings. The Swipe class is part of the new Pages module.   

About the Creator

Inventor Dan Zen - ZIMjs Free JavaScript Libraries for Interactive Media Drag and Drop, Hit Tests and more! Works with CreateJS, EaselJS
Dan Zen is an award-winning creator of Web and mobile games, gadgets, communities and apps found at danzen.com. He has been developing for over 20 years and will be porting from hundreds of Flash classes to ZIM. Watch for advanced interfaces in the new year.

ZIM Wrap :: JavaScript wrapper functions for fun efficiency!

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Examples of JavaScript JavaScript wrapper code for easy console logs, etc

ZIM Wrap provides global shortcuts to common and often lengthy JavaScript commands. The file is bootstrapped by all the modules.
    Wrap Features:
  • zog() // for console.log()
  • zid() // for document.getElementById()
  • zss() // for setting a style
  • zgo() // quick link
  • zum() // turn px into a number
  • zot() // handle default parameters
  • zop() // stop event propagation
  • zil() // still page from arrows, etc.
  • zob() // pass params as an object!

About the Creator

Inventor Dan Zen - ZIMjs Free JavaScript Libraries for Interactive Media Drag and Drop, Hit Tests and more! Works with CreateJS, EaselJS
Dan Zen is an award-winning creator of Web and mobile games, gadgets, communities and apps found at danzen.com. He has been developing for over 20 years and will be porting from hundreds of Flash classes to ZIM. Watch for advanced interfaces in the new year.

ZIM Code :: rand code between easy and useful!

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Examples of JavaScript code to make things easier

ZIM Code provides a growing set of functions that we use over and over and handy functions to help with Browser bruising
    Code Features:
  • shuffle(a) // randomizes array
  • rand(a,b) // random between
  • copy(o) // copy array or object
  • arraysEqual(a,b) // well, are they?
  • decimals(n) // rounds to decimal
  • Damp() // eases numbers
  • Proportion() // maps numbers
  • ProportionDamp() // Wow!
  • DOM Features:
  • scrollX() // read and set
  • scrollY() // read and set
  • windowWidth() // read
  • windowHeight() // read
  • urlencode() // matches PHP
  • urldecode() // matches PHP
  • setCookie(name, value, days)
  • getCookie(name)
  • deleteCookie(name)
  • mobile() // test for device

About the Creator

Inventor Dan Zen - ZIMjs Free JavaScript Libraries for Interactive Media Drag and Drop, Hit Tests and more! Works with CreateJS, EaselJS
Dan Zen is an award-winning creator of Web and mobile games, gadgets, communities and apps found at danzen.com. He has been developing for over 20 years and will be porting from hundreds of Flash classes to ZIM. Watch for advanced interfaces in the new year.

ZIM Create :: for an added boost to the fab CreateJS EaselJS code!

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Examples of JavaScript Drag and Drop, Hit Tests with CreateJS and EaselJS

ZIM Create works with the CreateJS JavaScript Library to simplify and extend complex Interactive Media tasks such as:
    Create Features:
  • drag(obj, rect) // nest transforms ok
  • noDrag(obj) // removes drag code
  • hitTestPoint() // with transformation
  • hitTestReg() // shape hitting reg
  • hitTestRect() // shape hitting rect
  • hitTestCircle() // shape and circle
  • hitTestBounds() // two bounds test
  • boundsToGlobal() // handles transforms
  • hitTestGrid() // fast grid check
  • scale() // goodbye scaleX, scaleY
  • scaleTo() // in relative percentage
  • move() // Tween wrapper for moving
  • animate() // Tween wrapper for all
  • fit() // fit object to bounds
  • outline() // bounds, reg and origin
  • place() // move and record position
  • centerReg() // save a line every time
  • expand() // add hitArea with padding
ZIM Create example

About the Creator

Inventor Dan Zen - ZIMjs Free JavaScript Libraries for Interactive Media Drag and Drop, Hit Tests and more! Works with CreateJS, EaselJS
Dan Zen is an award-winning creator of Web and mobile games, gadgets, communities and apps found at danzen.com. He has been developing for over 20 years and will be porting from hundreds of Flash classes to ZIM. Watch for advanced interfaces in the new year.

ZIM Build :: make complex Interactive Media techniques easy!

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Examples of components and interactivity with CreateJS and EaselJS

ZIM Build works with CreateJS to provide a growing list of canvas shapes, components and effects to make your building easier such as:
    Build Features:
  • OPTIMIZE // consolidate updates
  • ACTIONEVENT // mousedown or press
  • Circle() // With dynamic coloring
  • Rectangle() // Quick plus coloring
  • Triangle() // Three lengths doth make
  • Label() // text used by interfaces
  • CheckBox() // traditional
  • RadioButton() // traditional
  • Button() // button with rollovers
  • Pane() // pop windows and alerts
  • Waiter() // loading animation
  • Indicator() // row of status lights
  • Stepper() // for numbers and strings
  • Slider() // min, max, steps, ticks
  • Dial() // crank them to 11
  • Tabs() // a row of cute buttons
  • Pad() // a grid of cute buttons
  • ColorPicker() // 256 or custom
  • Parallax() // for that 3D effect!
  • Scroller() // animate backgrounds
ZIM Build example

About the Creator

Inventor Dan Zen - ZIMjs Free JavaScript Libraries for Interactive Media Drag and Drop, Hit Tests and more! Works with CreateJS, EaselJS
Dan Zen is an award-winning creator of Web and mobile games, gadgets, communities and apps found at danzen.com. He has been developing for over 20 years and will be porting from hundreds of Flash classes to ZIM. Watch for advanced interfaces in the new year.

ZIM Pages :: layout and control pages with mobile in mind!

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Examples of Laying out pages for mobile with CreateJS and EaselJS

ZIM Pages is a light framework for laying out flexive (responsive and adaptive) pages and control navigation and interface from one place:
    PAGES Features:
  • Swipe() // capture swipes
  • Pages() // manage pages (plus swipes)
  • HotSpots() // all nav in one place!
  • HotSpot() // supply rect or obj
  • Guide() // measure distances to guides
  • GuideManager() // for multiple guides
  • Grid() // pixels or percents
  • GridManager() // handle multiple grids
  • Layout() // with flexive regions
  • LayoutManager() // control layouts
ZIM Pages example

About the Creator

Inventor Dan Zen - ZIMjs Free JavaScript Libraries for Interactive Media Drag and Drop, Hit Tests and more! Works with CreateJS, EaselJS
Dan Zen is an award-winning creator of Web and mobile games, gadgets, communities and apps found at danzen.com. He has been developing for over 20 years and will be porting from hundreds of Flash classes to ZIM. Watch for advanced interfaces in the new year.

CDN Links

Bubbling ZIM 2.6.1 Duo Modules (2016.04.06)

Bubbling ZIM 2.6 Duo Modules (2016.03.30)

Bubbling ZIM 2.5.2 Duo Modules (2016.03.25)

Bubbling ZIM 2.5.1 Duo Modules (2016.03.23)

Fizzing ZIM 2.5 Duo Modules (2016.03.16)

ZIM 2.4 Duo Modules (2016.01.18)

ZIM 2.3 Duo Modules (2016.01.07)

ZIM 2.2 Duo Modules (2015.12.31)

ZIM 2.1 Duo Modules (2015.12.28)

ZIM 2.0 Duo Modules (2015.12.23)

Individual ZIM 2.0 Duo Modules (2015.12.23)


ZIM 1.5.3 Modules (2015.12.21)

ZIM 1.5.2 Modules (2015.12.16)

ZIM 1.5.1 Modules (2015.12.11)

ZIM 1.5 Modules (2015.12.09)

Individual ZIM 1.5 Modules (2015.12.09)

ZIM 1.4.4 Modules (2015.08.29)

ZIM 1.4.3 Modules (2015.05.08)

ZIM 1.4.2 Modules (2015.04.02)

ZIM 1.4 Modules (2015.03.06)

Individual ZIM 1.4 Modules (2015.03.06)

ZIM 1.3 Modules (2015.01.19)

Individual ZIM 1.3 Modules (2015.01.19)

ZIM 1.2 Modules (2015.01.09)

Individual ZIM 1.2 Modules (2015.01.09)

ZIM 1.1 Modules (2014.12.23)

ZIM 1.0 Modules (2014.11.21)

Individual ZIM 1.0 Modules (2014.11.21)

About the Creator

Inventor Dan Zen - ZIMjs Free JavaScript Libraries for Interactive Media Drag and Drop, Hit Tests and more! Works with CreateJS, EaselJS
Dan Zen is an award-winning creator of Web and mobile games, gadgets, communities and apps found at danzen.com. He has been developing for over 20 years and will be porting from hundreds of Flash classes to ZIM. Watch for advanced interfaces in the new year.

ZIM Examples

About the Creator

Inventor Dan Zen - ZIMjs Free JavaScript Libraries for Interactive Media Drag and Drop, Hit Tests and more! Works with CreateJS, EaselJS
Dan Zen is an award-winning creator of Web and mobile games, gadgets, communities and apps found at danzen.com. He has been developing for over 20 years and will be porting from hundreds of Flash classes to ZIM. Watch for advanced interfaces in the new year.

ZIM Templates

The zim Frame module creates your canvas and stage and provides multiple ways to handle scaling. Frame also provides resize and orientation change events. Frame abstracts away over 100 lines of carefully thought out cross platform code to make your coding easier.

About the Creator

Inventor Dan Zen - ZIMjs Free JavaScript Libraries for Interactive Media Drag and Drop, Hit Tests and more! Works with CreateJS, EaselJS
Dan Zen is an award-winning creator of Web and mobile games, gadgets, communities and apps found at danzen.com. He has been developing for over 20 years and will be porting from hundreds of Flash classes to ZIM. Watch for advanced interfaces in the new year.