ZIM Badge for AppBADGE - APP

MAKE THIS - See Instructions Below

This app has two dials and a rectangle. One Dial controls the width and the other Dial controls the height of a rectangle. If the rectangle is a square then it turns white, otherwise the rectangle is black. What a handy app! Below are some hints if you need them!
1. We set the checkboxes to Phone and Portrait with a F.color of pink.
2. Start with a Rectangle of 300x500 centerReg() and make a testSquare function that sets the color to white if the rectangle.width == rectangle.height else set the color to black with a stage.update().
3. Make two Dials:
  • One with a min:50 and max:600 that on change sets the widthOnly of the rectangle.
  • The other with a min:100 and max:800 that on change sets the heightOnly of the rectangle.
  • Both should have a step:10 and a currentVlaue of rectangle.width and rectangle.height
  • Both change events should call the testSquare() function